In Acts, we read that the early church "devoted" themselves to the fellowship (Acts 2:42). This means that the first Christian bound themselves together, standing in solidarity with one another in virtue of their shared union with Christ.
In our church, we also seek to build a fellowship that is devoted to one another, and we do so through an intentional four-step membership process.
1. Agreement with Beliefs. Prospective members are asked to read a) our statement of faith which outlines our theological convictions b) our church covenant which articulates the promises and expectations of members, and c) What is a Healthy Church which explains our philosophy of ministry (book provided).
2. Membership Interview. Upon agreement with our beliefs, prospective members are interviewed. The interview is a chance for the pastor to get to know potential members on a deeper level, including their testimony, spiritual life, understanding of the gospel, and biblical convictions.
3. Congregational Vote. Candidates demonstrating genuine faith in Christ and agreement with our convictions, are recommend to the congregation at the next member's meeting. The recommendation is discussed by the members, a vote is taken, and the candidate is admitted to membership upon a majority vote.
4. Member Installation. Approved candidates are formally installed, prayed over, and welcomed into membership in front on the congregation at Sunday service.